Police officer shoots reckless driver who was driving towards his colleague

Police officer shoots reckless driver who was driving towards his colleague

The driver of a large-cylinder car has been actively sought in the Lyon region since Sunday, after trying to evade a police check by deliberately driving into a police officer at around two in the morning.

Le Figaro Lyon

The officer barely had time to get out of the way of the vehicle that was charging at him. After refusing to comply with a traffic stop in the 7e district of Lyon, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, the driver of a large engine, stuck in traffic, escaped from the police by trying to knock one of them down, according to information fromActu 17 confirmed at FigaroOne of the officers fired his service weapon at the fugitive to protect his colleague, several police sources said.

A few minutes earlier, these BAC officers were patrolling on Boulevard Berthelot when they spotted a vehicle committing multiple traffic violations. The police officers then activated their siren and informed the dangerous driver of their intention to stop him. But he refused to comply and a chase began for several hundred meters. The officers managed to corner him for the first time but the vehicle managed to start up again.

The suspect on the run

Arriving at the intersection of the boulevard des Tchécoslovaques, the fugitive finally found himself stuck in the flow of cars waiting at the traffic light. The police then got out of their vehicle to try to stop him but the driver operated “a deliberate maneuver to escape by rushing towards a colleague”a police source said. FigaroThe latter managed to get out of the way while his colleague fired towards the vehicle. The driver was apparently not hit as he managed to escape.

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The departmental secretary of the Alliance police union, Alain Barberis, denounces an increase in refusals to comply based on a parliamentary report submitted in the spring. “On the one hand, we are asking the police to stop the offences, but on the other hand, the administration is opening the umbrella with this note 89 from public security which asks not to initiate any follow-up other than blood crimes, he laments. But this creates a feeling of impunity.”.

The reckless driver is being actively sought by the judicial police, who have been entrusted with the investigation. Contacted, the Lyon prosecutor’s office has not yet responded to our requests.


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