How to save your relationship…on the internet

How to save your relationship…on the internet

CHRONICLE – Céline Domecq, “renowned couples therapist”, will deliver his advice via Zoom during “couple week,” from October 14 to 18.

This article comes from “Figaro Magazine”.

After Female Orgasm Day last August, here comes “Couple Week”, from October 14 to 18. Well, it’s not quite official: the event will take place online, via Zoom where a certain Céline Domecq, “recognized couples therapist”, will deliver his advice.

Because life as a couple is not an easy thing, as many know. Some say that it is the art of compromise. One wants to sleep on the left of the bed, the other, on the right, would like to take his place. It happens that the lady is on the left and the gentleman on the right. There is the choice of holidays, capital, divergences on the education of the children, on the toilet seat being raised too often, the socks lying around, and so on.

So Céline Domecq intends to discuss several themes: “Strengthening complicity in the couple: discovering the various forms of intimacy”; “Too sensitive or too distant: finding the balance of emotions to strengthen the relationship”; “Taming reactions: understanding attachment styles for a balanced relationship”; “Resolving conflicts: identifying your communication style to defuse tensions” (very important); “Leaving or saving your relationship: how to make the right decision?” Mrs. Domecq, on this subject, explores “factors to consider when choosing the most appropriate path.” The most appropriate is, however, the simplest: it is to take the door. As for those who do not take advantage of his advice during this week, their relationship risks being ruined.


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