Rillette, a young sow rescued a year ago, is in danger. If nothing is done quickly, it risks being euthanized !
It was a woman named Elodie who took her in when she was that an injured boar abandoned near a trash canoffered him a safe haven and a peaceful life. Rillette lives today in a large enclosure of 1,000 m²beyond the required standards. However, the authorities ignore his efforts and threaten to take his life.
Elodie took her in, cared for her, and gave her a new life. She is vaccinated, sterilized and followed by a veterinarian. Yet, despite all this, the Aube prefecture demands that she be sent to a specialized structure… which has no place for her. Otherwise, it is euthanasia.
This is unacceptable! Rillette is part of their family. To separate her from her home is to condemn her to die of grief. Furthermore, she is too accustomed to humans and could not survive in a park. Her house is with Élodie!
It remains very little time to act. Solutions exist, as for other wild boars rescued in similar cases. But if we do nothing, the authorities could decide put to death.
However, the law allows the detention of a wild boar provided that a declaration is made to the prefecture, as long as the needs of the animal and the safety of all are respected. But in the case of Rillette, this right was refused under the pretext of “illegal collection from the wild”. This arbitrary decision is unjust and inhumane.
We must act now for Rillette!
Sign this petition to say NO to his euthanasia and demand that Rillette stay with Elodie who saved him, raised him and gave him all her love!
Photos : Elevage De Saint-Clair Elodie / Brigitte Bardot Foundation