“Mayotte in agony, there is an urgent need for in-depth repairs! »

So. Chaos has invaded the 101st French department. A neglected land, far removed from the eyes of national leaders, the poorest territory in has just suffered the worst. Already asphyxiated by successive crises for 5 years, Mayotte will not recover without deep assistance, built on healthy and serious foundations. And who better than the Mahorais will know how to save Mayotte?

It took a tragedy of this scale for the public authorities to remember the existence of Mayotte. It took a devastating cyclone to tear the lid off the pressure cooker. While we mourn a still undetermined number of souls decimated by this catastrophe, the economic actors of which I am a part need to shout for the umpteenth time: “Listen to us! “. And the urgency is essential on all levels. Of course, we feel a deep gratitude for the surges of solidarity that are taking place. If the time is logically for emotion and first aid which is being actively organized, it is urgent to relieve Mayotte of this chaos. In depth. And quickly.

Addressing the subject of illegal immigration with transparency and realism As I already pointed out this summer (1) : “Water shortage, insecurity, antisocial behavior, cholera, failures in health and education have been punctuating the daily lives of the department's 321,000 inhabitants for too long. » With this cataclysm, we reach the paroxysm of urgency. And unfortunately, the official count of inhabitants does not include the 100,000 to 150,000 humans or even more, not counted because they do not have a residence permit.

Given the precarious conditions of thousands of humans, we fear the worst in terms of the real number of victims. With a standard of living seven times lower (2) At the national average, Mayotte was already before the passage of Chido, the most deprived department in France. Nearly 77% of its inhabitants live below the poverty line with an unemployment rate of 34% of the active population. We must immediately build solutions so that the lives of our children, collaborators, neighbors, representatives can resume in decent conditions. We are forced to face the issue of uncontrolled migratory flow. What can we do for these families who survive in slums where the precariousness of their clandestine condition leads young people left to their own devices to delinquency?

The mobilization of civil society to obtain: security, social peace and employment Mayotte urgently requires effective measures to recover. The well-tested resilience of civil society and economic actors clings to the hope of strong and urgent actions from the government.

With the town hall of Mamoudzou and the department of Mayotte, we have been working for 3 years to develop proposals to get out of the slump in which this youngest department in France was drowning. We are therefore already ready and urgently request to take part in the consultation of a rescue plan. Immediate objectives: a “task force” (3) for the recovery of the department through security, social peace and employment. We know that we can count on the support of our deputies who regularly present the situation in Mayotte at the highest level. Unfortunately, the ministerial waltz of recent years has taken its toll on the progress of our proposed action plan. We can no longer count the number of ministers who have told us of “their intention to go to Mayotte within a short time…”.

We are ready to rebuild Mayotte

This is a serious time. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, repair, rebuild. On behalf of the entrepreneurs I represent, I am calling for the establishment of an emergency working group. We would leave in the locker room: ego problems, wooden language, politicians of different colors and those who hide behind their little finger, to work in the first sense of the word politics. And finally, urgently build a reliable strategy to properly administer this common good which so poorly shelters humans by the thousands.

Marcel Rinaldy

(1) open letter to the elected representatives of Mayotte to the National Assembly of 07/09/2024

(2) Source INSEE

(3) “Task Force”: working group/operational force with complementary skills to respond to an urgent strategic need.

