What financial results for the F’estivada de 2024?

What financial results for the F’estivada de 2024?
What financial results for the F’estivada de Rodez 2024?

After a second edition marked by the cancellation of the first evening of concerts, opposition elected officials questioned the cost for the City of organizing F’estivada 2024.

F’estivada 2025 seems to be on track. While the program was announced at the beginning of December – marking the presence of artists like Bob Sinclar, Pierre Garnier and Barbara Pravi at the Haras de from July 18 to 20 – the ticket office opened this Monday, December 16, in the wake of the municipal council.

It was precisely during this session that the broad outlines which will guide the third edition of this festival organized by the City in place of the old Estivada were established. And the initial formula will be kept. The ticket price remains unchanged, €25 for one evening, €55 to attend the twelve concerts offered, the event is still planned at the stud farm and always with three concert evenings.

A priori, nothing changes on the budgetary level as well. According to the provisional financing plan presented to the municipal council, an overall envelope of 1.2 million euros is planned, counting on €600,000 in ticketing revenue, €670,000 in fees and €250,000 in self-financing. Also worth noting, according to the municipality’s accounts, in 2024, spectators from 79 departments attended F’estivada, and even some coming from abroad, “from Spain, Belgium, Switzerland and Finland!”specifies the City.

A cost of “€300,000” for the City?

A program to which opposition elected officials have had little taste, Jean-Michel Cosson, from Rodez in common, at the head. “Four months after the organization of the second edition, we hoped that a real assessment would be presented to us. In 2023, F’estivada caused a deficit of €600,000 for the community, what will it be in 2024 , while the first evening of concert has been canceled? It’s the festival of whatever it takes…” As a reminder, due to bad weather, the concerts on July 11 were canceled at the last minute and the town hall had to refund the tickets to festival-goers. Especially since this operation was not covered by insurance. “We were insured for damage to structures, not on entrances”recognizes the mayor of Rodez, Christian Teyssèdre.

So, what will be the consequence financially speaking? “There won’t even be a €300,000 deficit, replies Christian Teyssèdre. Mr. Cosson, you organized the Soulages century, for €600,000 in expenses, how much revenue did that bring in?” Before the councilor continues. “We recorded 23,000 paid entries which generated more than €500,000 in revenue, to which we must add the partnerships which amount to around €400,000 and there remains €300,000 where the City intervenes.”

Despite the abstention of ten opposition elected officials, the program was adopted and the third edition of F’estivada is taking shape.



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