VIDEO – The actor playing Zorro in the latest mini-series, the first season of which is currently broadcast on France Télévisions, was the guest of “C à vous” this Wednesday evening.
The French actor and screenwriter plays the role of Zorro in the mini-series produced by Marc Dujardin and directed by Jean-Baptiste Saurel and Emilie Noblet. If the first episodes are available on France Télévisions from December 23, Jean Dujardin and his colleague Audrey Dana – who plays his wife, Gabriella de la Vega, were guests of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.
The two actors, in addition to being husband and wife in fiction, also took part in sword fight scenes. It was also during these hostilities that Audrey Dana injured her playing partner in the lip. “Too much enthusiasm”he emphasized while the actress recalled: “It’s not my job as a swordsman.”
«Complicated intimate scenes”
“And passion… in bed?”launched Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, already dying of laughter before even finishing her sentence. “But what’s the matter with you?”asked Jean Dujardin, particularly amused by the discomfort experienced by the presenter. The latter then immediately took her face in her hands to hide her embarrassment. “No, but because we’re talking about behind the scenes filming”she tried to justify herself. And to continue: “Apparently there were some intimate scenes that were more complicated to shoot than others.”
«Yes, finally you know with Audrey Dana it’s no longer intimate at all,” joked the actor before being cut off by his colleague: “Oh no, no, it’s the intimacy of a shoot”. It took more to stop Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. “Yes because when you showed up naked with a mask, she didn’t resist. launched the presenter, without filter. More seriously, Jean Dujardin continued: “The advantage is that we have known each other for a very long time, we are very friends. And it’s much simpler, it’s always more fun.”
These traits of humor are precisely why Jean Dujardin accepted this Zorro project. “That wasn’t the idea, we weren’t going to step on the Americans’ toes. They will surely do it better than us. Although, I don’t know anything about it. I think we are capable of doing lots of things. It turns out that it was the direction of Marc Dujardin, the producer and I found it very funny to have fun with the schizophrenia of this character with his wife.