Near Bordeaux, a popular lake is banned from swimming due to cyanobacteria

Near Bordeaux, a popular lake is banned from swimming due to cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria were discovered in the Dagueys lake in Libourne on Wednesday. The town hall recommends not swimming there and also avoiding exposing pets to it.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

They can be as harmful to humans as they are to animals. Cyanobacteria, organisms naturally present in water, have multiplied in the Dagueys lake in Libourne in recent days. Faced with a rate that is too high “likely to have an impact on water quality bathing and affect bathers”the town hall has banned swimming in this popular location since Wednesday.

Some cyanobacteria release toxins that can cause headaches, digestive problems or even skin reactions in humans. As a precaution, it is also recommended to no longer consume fish caught there and to prevent dogs from drinking or swimming in the body of water. Cyanobacteria can indeed be fatal for certain pets – whose organisms are smaller.

Also readGironde: a young dog dies after drinking water near Lake Bègles, cyanobacteria suspected

Maintaining nautical activities

The Dagueys lake also hosts a nautical center which is authorized to continue its activities. However, it is recommended not to ingest the water from the lake and to shower quickly after your sports session. According to the Libourne town hall, this natural phenomenon should therefore “resolve naturally with coolness” of the next few days.


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