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The capital’s PS federation launches a “major survey” among Parisians

The capital’s PS federation launches a “major survey” among Parisians

This study, launched until mid-November, will survey residents, online and in the street, on their vision of the capital and their expectations by 2030.

Two years before the municipal elections, the Paris Socialist Party, supported by Mayor Anne Hidalgo, launched a campaign on Thursday “big survey” until mid-November to survey Parisians, online and in the street, on their vision of the capital and their expectations by 2030. The survey is part of the program «Paris 2030» launched last fall to prepare for the next municipal elections in 2026, while the socialist mayor maintains the suspense over his possible candidacy for a third term.

“As Kamala Harris said during the debate with Donald Trump, there are those who prefer to campaign on a problem rather than solve the problem. I am on the side of those who want to solve problems and this is the purpose of the work launched by the PS Federation several months ago.”confided Anne Hidalgo. Parisians will be surveyed on ten themes (housing, transport, environment, health, cleanliness, etc.), via open questions, others more closed, and will be able to leave a free comment, in a questionnaire developed with a scientific committee composed of academics, specified Lamia El Aaraje, Anne Hidalgo’s deputy in charge of urban planning and head of the Parisian PS.

“Reaching citizens who are usually excluded from public spaces”

The goal is to “better respond to the aspirations of Parisians so that they can project themselves into the city in which they would like to live”explains Lamia El Aaraje in an interview with New Obsdefending “a non-partisan approach”. In the street, casual workers in orange caps – who “will not be activists” – will question Parisians, also surveyed on the internet. Activists, for their part, will go door-to-door “in order to reach citizens who are usually excluded from public space”.

“That there is a concern for the 2030s is fine in principle. But to be credible, we would still have to have succeeded in managing the 2020s.”commented the former Horizons deputy Pierre-Yves Bournazel, from the first opposition group to Anne Hidalgo on the Paris Council, who is a candidate in the next municipal elections. “If we talk to Parisians about cleanliness, management of works, noise, peace and quiet… there is a lot of discontent with the record of the majority in power for more than ten years.”he said.



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