In great danger, how can we save the cetacean that has gotten lost?

In great danger, how can we save the cetacean that has gotten lost?
In great danger, how can we save the cetacean that has gotten lost?

endangered cetacean – The NGO Sea Shepherd urgently dispatched a boat and a team to try to bring the whale back to the ocean

A race against time is on. This Wednesday, the prefecture of Seine-Maritime indicated, through a press release, that a large whale had been spotted for several days in the Seine estuary, near Honfleur () and the Bridge.

If the presence of cetaceans off the coast of Normandy is not extraordinary in itself, their rise in the estuary and higher in the river is worrying. The humpback whale, which measures on average between 10 and 15 meters in length and weighs an average of 30 tonnes, is not in its freshwater environment and is today in great danger.

“Either she is sick or she has been disoriented by the noise pollution”

If, for the moment, the images studied show an animal which swims “normally, even quite quickly” according to the prefecture, the NGO Sea Shepherd has sent a boat and experts who should arrive on site at the end of the afternoon to ensure his state of health. “The priority is to locate her and assess her state of health. To see if there are signs of thinness and to test its vigor,” explains 20 Minutes Lamya Essemlali, president of the French branch of the NGO.

If it is still impossible to know the reasons(…) Read more on 20minutes

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