China will not renounce the use of force in Taiwan

China will not renounce the use of force in Taiwan
China will not renounce the use of force in Taiwan

BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) – China will not commit to renouncing the use of force in Taiwan, the Taiwan Affairs Office said on Wednesday, as Beijing recently staged military exercises around the island.

“We are ready to work toward the prospect of peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity and efforts,” said Chen Binhua, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, at a press briefing in Beijing.

“But we will never commit to renouncing the use of force,” he said.

However, this would only concern interference from “external forces” – an allusion to the United States and its allies – and a very small number of Taiwanese separatists, Chen Binhua clarified.

“No matter how many soldiers Taiwan has and how many weapons it acquires, no matter whether external forces intervene or not, if it (Taiwan) dares to take risks, it will lead to its own destruction.”

Beijing considers Taiwan a Chinese territory. The Taipei government rejects these demands.

China has organized military maneuvers around the island in recent days. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said Wednesday morning that it had detected 22 Chinese military aircraft and five navy ships in the past 24 hours.

(French version Camille Raynaud)

by Joe Cash and Ben Blanchard



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