Top Comedy Club – Mathieu Madénian: “We can laugh at everything, but we have to be funny”
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Top Comedy Club – Mathieu Madénian: “We can laugh at everything, but we have to be funny”

After Aix-en-Provence last week, here you are in Bordeaux. Thanks to you, provincial comedians don’t need to go to Paris to make themselves known!

Mathieu Madénian: After Generation Panamewhere I was bringing them to the capital, I realized that stand-up had spread all over France. We saw comedy clubs blossom and become sustainable. So we went to set up our cameras there.

Do any young talents remind you of your beginnings?

Yes, and that’s why I do these shows. I was lucky enough to meet the right people at the right time. If they hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t be talking to you. The least I can do is return the favor.

Aren’t you afraid that they will take your place?

I hope that one day they will have me do their opening act, when I am an old actor who no longer interests anyone!

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Some comedians are punished for a bad joke… Can we still laugh at everything today?

I worked at Michel Drucker and Charlie Hebdo at the same time… Do you see the big gap? In my entire career, no one has ever checked one of my texts, and I have never been censored. I think you can laugh at anything, but you have to be funny. If I have in front of me a guy who has ideas opposed to mine, but who sells them to me by making good jokes, it becomes an exciting confrontation. That said, comedians have become an easy target: we are less shocked by a politician who has been convicted and who continues to go on television sets with his electronic bracelet, than by a comedian who makes a stupid joke about X! There is a problem, right?

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