“If you knew the number of politicians I have dined with…”
DayFR Euro

“If you knew the number of politicians I have dined with…”

It’s time to clarify. This Thursday, September 5, Cyril Hanouna returned to many rumors surrounding his vacation, including his dinner with Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally. “So I’m going to tell you, it’s crazy because behind everyone was calling me: ‘What’s going on?’, ‘What are you planning?’, ‘Will you be at the next legislative elections?'”, says the host on the set of Touche pas à monde (C8).

Again, the producer hammers home: “I told them: ‘No, I will never do politics, but of course, darlings, I prepare programs, of course I prepare things…'”. Before adding: “And as I say: I dine with everyone.” “If you knew the number of politicians I have dined with, he says. Because I’m interested, of course I love it. And then I like getting to know people and I have dinner with everyone.”

Cyril Hanouna returns to the controversial photo with Jordan Bardella

Cyril Hanouna continues: “It’s like the hosts, I have dinner with all the hosts. Now, I don’t have dinner anymore because I stay at home, otherwise they’ll piss me off afterwards.” Referring to the appointment of Emmanuel Macron’s new Prime Minister, he says: “I never had dinner with Michel Barnier.” The host then returns to the controversy with Jordan Bardella. “It was crazy. They called Jordan Bardella. Jordan Bardella calls me: ‘Cyril, we’re talking about a dinner. What’s going on?'”

The TPMP host then returns to a photo of this meeting that he would have “wanted to hide”: “No, but guys seriously. It’s incredible!” Discovering the press title on this “kept secret” photo, he says: “No, no, it’s not a secret. Even I don’t…

- Télé 7 Jours

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