Santa mocked for facial detail she hides as an adult
DayFR Euro

Santa mocked for facial detail she hides as an adult

Appearing on the show Un dimanche à la campagne, presented by Frédéric Lopez on Sunday September 15, 2024 on France 2, the singer Santa spoke at length about her childhood, during which a detail of her face earned her a lot of mockery.

After a very long summer break, Frédéric Lopez was finally back on France 2 on Sunday, September 15, 2024, with his show called A Sunday in the countryside. That day, the host received three new personalities in a bucolic setting, very conducive to confidences. Among the guests, we can notably cite the singer Santa. Former member of the group Hypen Hypenshe is currently pursuing a successful solo career. Facing Frédéric Lopez, the musician returned to her childhood. “I grew up near Nice. (…) My father was an architect and my mother was a singer in a rock band. But at that time, when she had me, she hung up her career”she first revealed. Later, Santa confided in his complex relationships with other children.

“I have a lot of memories with adults because I’m almost in a world of adults only. I’m an only child. I snub the other children a little because they snub me too. It must be said that I judge them very negatively because These are people who are ‘not yet finished’she explained to Frédéric Lopez. The singer also said that she was the target of many mockeries during her youth, because of a physical detail present on her face, which she hides today. “Children are very cruel. I have a birthmark that I hide. Sometimes,…

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