“The old sheepfold overlooking the sea that I rebuilt in Corsica with my husband is magical”
DayFR Euro

“The old sheepfold overlooking the sea that I rebuilt in Corsica with my husband is magical”

In her Corsican refuge, a true haven of peace, Mireille Dumas recharges her batteries every summer far from the hustle and bustle of Paris. Her house, a former sheepfold full of serenity, reflects the balance she cultivates with her husband Dominique, a man who has shared her life for 50 years and whose son she has raised as if he were her own. Who is Mireille Dumas when the cameras turn off? She confided in Purepeople.

A key figure in the French audiovisual landscape, Mireille Dumas has left her mark on the history of television. Down with the masks, Life in the right place, Private life public life, Signed Mireille Dumas… the shows she produced and presented allowed countless stars or anonymous people to testify, to come and tell their stories and often, the debates they sparked have made progress in society on complicated issues. Although she left the air 10 years ago, the journalist, who has just celebrated his 71st birthday is anything but inactive. She continues to make documentaries and launched a YouTube channel a year ago*. She has just given a long interview to Purepeople and after talking about her new activities, she confided in us about her life when the cameras were turned off, telling us about her hobbies, her house in Corsica and Dominique, the man who has shared her life for fifty years!

Part 2: Mireille Dumas, the love of her life, the children, her refuge in Corsica, her hobbies

Outside of work, what do you do in your free time?

I work! I’m hardly joking because I don’t consider it a job but a passion. Otherwise, I read, listen to music, do a bit of sport, especially swimming. I love swimming in the sea. I often leave…

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