Thomas Dutronc incognito during very special evenings
DayFR Euro

Thomas Dutronc incognito during very special evenings

Thomas Dutronc is back in the spotlight for musical reasons, after having honored the memory of his late mother Françoise Hardy three months ago. Speaking to RTL, Jacques Dutronc’s son explains that, even if he seems to be barely visible to the media, he is not idle.

It’s been nine years since Thomas Dutronc released an original album because the last two were composed of covers. So we have to go back to 2015 to enjoy unique titles from the son of Jacques Dutronc and Françoise Hardy. Enough to question the time it took him to complete his latest album It’s never too late. On RTL, this Monday, September 9, the guitarist answers this question with great frankness and tasty anecdotes.

But no, we only work“, retorts Thomas Dutronc mischievously, bouncing off a joke that he is a little too stuck on the time corse – he is settled on the Isle of Beauty like his father.Every time I do a project like this, Frenchy With my father, it takes a lot of time. There are always side projects“, he continues.

Moreover, Thomas Dutronc is not only an interpreter but he loves his role as a guitarist: “For example with Rocky [Gresset, guitariste de jazz, ndlr], we were a trio, we did 20 dates last year with Stochelo Rosenberg, a great guitarist who is on the album. I play with Manu Katché, I play in small clubs, sometimes under a false name..“Don’t ask him which one he uses:”Don’t blow my cover!” He needs to practice and keep playing guitar…

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VIDEO Farewell to Françoise Hardy: Jacques and Thomas Dutronc arrive together, a highly anticipated moment
VIDEO Farewell to Françoise Hardy: a famous ex present with Jacques and Thomas Dutronc, his very touching attention
“She wasn’t aware of it”: Thomas Dutronc, very moved, talks about his mother Françoise Hardy


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