This last alarming text message from Françoise Hardy sent to Thomas Dutronc shortly before his death
DayFR Euro

This last alarming text message from Françoise Hardy sent to Thomas Dutronc shortly before his death

On June 11, Françoise Hardy breathed her last. Weakened by illness, she had fought for years. At 80, an icon of French music disappeared, but also a mother. Françoise Hardy left behind a sonto whom she was very close. Today, Thomas Dutronc says more about the last moments of the woman with the fringe.

Françoise Hardy to Thomas Dutronc: “I’m dying”

In an interview with Parisian granted on the occasion of the release of his new album It’s never too late, Thomas Dutronc reveals the last text messages exchanged with his mother. “One evening in Châtellerault, after a concert, she sent me her last text message around 1 a.m., three weeks before her death.” What did the famous text say? “I love you more than anything”. To which Thomas Dutronc replied: “Me too, my dear mother.” The star says he then sent him photos of himself as a baby with his mother. “Then I got another message: ‘I’m dying.’ I was panicking that I wouldn’t see her again, that she would die in the night.” More Françoise Hardy will recover. “I had time to say goodbye to her properly. I told her several times that she didn’t have to worry about me, that I loved her.”he explained. Precious family moments, like this afternoon watching Roland-Garros. “She had trouble speaking but she still made us laugh”he remembers. (…)

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