that moment of intense embarrassment during the transfer of power that escaped us
DayFR Euro

that moment of intense embarrassment during the transfer of power that escaped us

Is Gabriel Attal having trouble swallowing the pill? On Tuesday, July 16, the Prime Minister presented his resignation to Emmanuel Macron. A decision accepted by the Head of State after the announcement of the dissolution of the Assembly and the great upheaval that followed. But this resignation was not really done with a light heart, simply because the youngest Prime Minister suffered the dissolution and its consequences. “I did not choose this dissolution”he had also made it clear in his resignation speech. After endless prevarications that gave rise to the wildest rumors, Emmanuel Macron (finally) appointed a new Prime Minister on September 5. Michel Barnier, an old political veteran, entered the arena through the front door, putting an end to the political crisis that shook the country all summer.

Gabriel Attal to Michel Barnier: “It’s okay, ah, ah”

But isn’t another crisis of a more personal nature playing out internally? In any case, it seems that Gabriel Attal is not particularly inclined to welcome his successor under the best auspices. On X (formerly Twitter), Paul Larrouturou, a former columnist for Quotidien, shared a video that suggests the outgoing politician is cultivating a certain animosity for the man who is taking his place. Animosity that he has a hard time hiding. On the video made (…)

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