His daughter Anouchka unveils a highly symbolic video to pay tribute to his memory
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His daughter Anouchka unveils a highly symbolic video to pay tribute to his memory

One of the last living legends of French cinema passed away on Sunday, August 18, 2024. That day, the famous actor Alain Delon died at his home in Douchy. It was his three children who had the difficult task of announcing his death to the general public. Anthony, Alain-Fabien and Anouchka Delon wrote a press release that was relayed by AFP on the day of the death of the sacred monster of French cinema. Aged 88, Alain Delon was entitled to an intimate funeral at his property in Douchy on Saturday, August 24, 2024. Only around forty hand-picked guests had the privilege of attending this ceremony. Present on site, Anouchka Delon paid tribute to her father a few days after his funeral. “I will keep you in my heart. To make my fear fly away. Above all, don’t say anything, don’t say anything, I’m so good here… I love you, you know, you alone, you know. I will never… never be able to live without you. I love you, and you?”, she wrote on Monday, August 26, 2024 on her Instagram account. On Saturday, September 7, 2024, it was through this same social network that Alain Delon’s daughter once again paid tribute to the memory of her late father.

That day, she posted an excerpt from the film called Les Acteurs, directed in 2000 by Bertrand Blier, in which Alain Delon appears. “You’ll have to make do with what’s left, guys. Personally, I’m ready. You can send the engine,” the actor, who played his own role in this (…)

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