The presenter’s son reveals the results of his latest tests, carried out shortly before his heart attack
DayFR Euro

The presenter’s son reveals the results of his latest tests, carried out shortly before his heart attack

It was just a month ago… Wednesday, August 7, 2024, Patrice Laffont died at the age of 84 in his home in Oppède, in Vaucluse. Although he seemed in good health, the iconic host of the shows Des chiffres et des lettres, Fort Boyard, and Pyramide succumbed to a heart attack. In shock, many personalities paid tribute to him. On X (ex-Twitter), Cyril Hanouna shared his grief. “I am thinking very hard about Patrice Laffont’s family! We will miss his incredible gaze, his frankness, his always well-felt jokes. I was lucky enough to be around him and believe me, he was a very great man who didn’t take himself too seriously,” he wrote a few days before losing his father, Ange Hanouna. A month after the disappearance of Patrice Laffont, his son, Fabrice, decided to speak out on Face à Hanouna, on C8, Saturday September 7, 2024. In an excerpt broadcast on the show’s X account, he said: “He did all his exams, well a lot of heart exams before going on vacation and they were all good.”

In all transparency, the son of the late presenter specified that he would not have liked to see his father leave “on a hospital bed, sick for months”. “And the last thing, I think, is that he would not have been automatically very happy in the last parts of his life, in terms of money etc. I am of course, very sad that he is gone, but at the same time, he is gone (…)

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