Abbé Pierre accused of sexual violence by 17 new victims, his Foundation changes name
DayFR Euro

Abbé Pierre accused of sexual violence by 17 new victims, his Foundation changes name

Known for his fight for the most deprived, Abbé Pierre is today at the heart of a serious affair. The co-founder of the Emmaüs movement, who died in 2007 at the age of 94, is in fact accused of violence and sexual assault by many people.

New accusations against Abbé Pierre

Following the publication last July of a first report evoking the testimonies of 6 women accusing Abbé Pierre of sexual assault (and another woman denouncing “sexist remarks and disturbing solicitations”), the Abbé Pierre Foundation and Emmaüs revealed new accusations today.Following these revelations, the Emmaüs movement set up a listening service managed by the Egaé group. This service received numerous testimonies concerning the actions of Abbé Pierre. 17 of them are presented in a summary prepared by the Egaé group, and concern sexual violence committed by Abbé Pierre on minor and adult women. These testimonies are in addition to the 7 made public in July 2024.announces a press release signed jointly by Emmaüs International, Emmaüs France and the Abbé Pierre Foundation.

The chilling details of the testimonies against Abbé Pierre

The press release, posted online this Friday, reveals part of the report received by the three organizations. This extract highlights the serious facts of which Abbé Pierre is accused today. This report thus specifies that the modus operandi is the same as that pointed out by the previous victims. The alleged victims denounce “unsolicited breast contact or forced kissing”. “Several testimonies report serious facts of another nature: repeated sexual contact with a vulnerable person, acts…

- Télé 7 Jours

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