This last minute phone call from Emmanuel Macron before the nomination

This last minute phone call from Emmanuel Macron before the nomination

Emmanuel Macron has decided. After the resignation of Gabriel Attala new minister was appointed by the President of the Republic, this Thursday, September 5. As you probably already know, it is Michel Barnier. But just before the nomination, Emmanuel Macron made a last-minute phone call to Marine Le Pen, as explained France Inter in the 8 o’clock news.

Jean-Philippe Tanguy: “one of the stupidest politicians”

When he chose Michel Barnier, Brigitte Macron’s husband wanted to ensure that the Prime Minister would not be censored.It was indeed a question of arithmetic that led to Michel Barnier’s choice. It all depended on the position of the national rally.of his commitment not to immediately censure a government, which the president ensured until the last moment,” said France Inter. A reaction he had following the remarks of Jean-Philippe Tanguyvice president of the RN group, at the assembly this Thursday, September 5. “Barnier, a man who thinks everything, the opposite of everything, and above all nothing at all. Reputed to be one of the stupidest politicians that the Fifth Republic has produced”he exclaimed.

Emmanuel Macron: this urgent phone call to Marine Le Pen

Words which obviously reached the ears of the President of the Republic. “According to our information, Emmanuel Macron heard these words and picked up the phone, (…)

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