Julien Arnaud suffers from a disorder that affects around 600,000 people in France. How does he manage to control it?

Julien Arnaud suffers from a disorder that affects around 600,000 people in France. How does he manage to control it?

In the past, Julien Arnaud suffered from a disorder as he confided during an interview for RTL. A disorder that affects nearly 600,000 people in France and which made him suffer in the past.

This Monday, September 16, 2024 is a very special day for Julien Arnaud. The one who was one of the recurring faces of TF1 arrives on France 2 at the helm of Telematin with Flavie Flament. A great opportunity for the presenter who started on LCI in 1997 and who suffered from a disorder for a long time.

Julien Arnaud confides that he was a stutterer in the past

Last May, Julien Arnaud gave an interview to Eric Dussart for his show We’re remaking TVon RTL. The opportunity to confide that he is a former stutterer and that it is his job that allowed him to overcome this.I was shy. I stuttered, you know. I realized later that these are things that helped me be pretty good on air. (…) When you stutter a little, you integrate the fact of thinking about what you are going to say before even saying it to avoid the obstacles: the ‘b’s, the ‘p’s. (…) We anticipate [car] This allows you to better measure your flow rate [de parole]to better concentrate on what we are going to say… To always be one step ahead. (…) And that, When you talk to a microphone, I think it’s something that helps a lot!“, said the 50-year-old presenter.

His stuttering did not deter him from doing his job, quite the contrary. Especially since it was not “a very heavy stutter“. Julien Arnaud however acknowledged that in his…

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