this very good habit that may have saved his life

this very good habit that may have saved his life

A habit that saved his life ? On RTLCarla Bruni spoke about her breast cancer, which it announced in October 2023. “One in eight women will develop breast cancer. I am one of them. I am therefore taking advantage of this pink October to send you a message. Get your mammograms. she had mentioned in the columns of the magazine Vanity Fair. And since October 2023, her fight against breast cancer continues: “I’m not in remission at all…Cancer opens new doors. You can still hear the bullets whistling past your ear! And after the initial shock has passed, it’s practically invigorating, even if it is painful, worrying and distressing.”

What is this habit of Carla Bruni?

Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife talks about his illness for a specific reason: “I brought it up because the reason I’m here with my hair in front of you is because I do my checks every year.” she explains on RTL.”As a result, it was very small and I didn’t have to have chemotherapy. However, Giulia Bruni-Sarkozy’s mother is still following treatment which requires her to take medication. “There are cancers that cannot be prevented, but this one can. I wanted to tell women to go and have their exam every year from the age of 45-48, it is reimbursed. When the cancer is tiny, there is less risk of having big problems.” warns the 56-year-old singer.

Carla (…)

- Closer

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