CNews figure sleeps in his car!

CNews figure sleeps in his car!

TV, radio, newspapers, this back-to-school season, the star journalist of CNews is on all fronts and seems to never stop. How do he organize his days? How does he keep up with this daily marathon? Discover the behind-the-scenes life of this busy man who is celebrating his 60th birthday on September 9.

He is everywhere, on all fronts. TV, radio, newspapers: even at the start of the school year, it is difficult to miss Pascal Praud, so much so that his media presence is preponderant. To the point that some might believe that it is endowed with ubiquitythose who are unaware, for example, that Pro Timebroadcast from 9 a.m. to 10:37 a.m. on CNews, sees its first part, from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., retransmitted simultaneously on Europe 1.

It is also on this channel that, as soon as his show ended on CNews, where he found himself in tears a few days ago, he took the microphone again to host, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Pascal Praud and youbefore returning to the TV for Pro Time 2.

As for the press, every week he writes a one-page column in The Sunday Journal. But when this man, who celebrates his 60th birthday on September 9is he resting? The real question, in fact, would rather be where.

Before answering it, it is appropriate to look back at his career in order to better understand how the journalist that only football fans knew about ten years ago became a key figure in the news…

At the beginning, he had clearly given priority to sport since at the end of the 80s, he said The World in a long portrait dedicated to him in September 2023, he had preferred to leave the benches of the Higher School of Journalism

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