Maria, the alleged victim, breaks her silence and responds to those who accuse her of lying

Maria, the alleged victim, breaks her silence and responds to those who accuse her of lying

This Sunday, September 8, our colleagues at Sept à huit devoted one of their reports broadcast on TF1 to the Auradou-Jegou affair. While Hugo Auradou’s father spoke out, he was not the only one. The alleged victim also had her say. She took the opportunity to respond to people who accuse her of lying and being motivated by money.

After two months of silence, Maria, the alleged victim of Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jegou, spoke out this Sunday, August 8, in front of the TF1 cameras. She accuses the two athletes of raping her on the night of July 6-7 in room 603 of the Diplomatic Hotel in Mendoza, 1000 km from Buenos Aires where the French XV had just played a match against Argentina. For their part, the two men deny it and claim that it was a consensual sexual relationship. The 39-year-old Argentinian continues to claim to have been the victim of“terrible violence”and has notably been “hospitalized twice in the days following the events“. This Sunday, August 8, after David Auradou, Hugo Auradou’s father, spoke for the first time, in Seven to eight In front of the TF1 cameras, Maria also agreed to speak to our colleagues.

The mother of two children, separated from their father since last February, wanted to respond to those who accuse her of lying. “I worked honestly for 20 years to earn my living by my own means, my family is solvent, I don’t need the dirty money of these rugby players. The only thing I want is for them to go to prison because they are criminals and rapists,” she said. While the prosecutor spoke of disturbing audio in which she speaks in a tone “amused”

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Auradou-Jegou case: the alleged victim of French rugby players tried to end his life, a letter revealed
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Jegou-Auradou case: the father of the alleged victim speaks out… “There is not a place where there was not a bruise”


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