Annual test of alarm sirens in Switzerland, recall of behavior to adopt –

Annual test of alarm sirens in Switzerland, recall of behavior to adopt –

Like every first Wednesday in February, alarm sirens to the population are tested throughout Switzerland between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. These are technical tests, so there is no need to worry. However, it is important to recall that if an alarm sounds at another time, it is imperative to listen to the radio and follow the instructions of the authorities.

The general alarm signal, a continuous oscillating sound, will be broadcast for one minute. If necessary, the test may be repeated until 2:00 p.m.

The water alarm will be tested between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the latest in risk areas located downstream of the dams. It consists of twelve serious sounds of 20 seconds each, separated by intervals of 10 seconds.

In all the cantons, the Wednesday test will also be announced by the AlertsWiss application which allows you to receive targeted information from the authorities.

It is both a question of verifying the system’s ability to send a very large number of push notifications and to use them to avoid the confusion of the sirens test with a real alarm. The “information” level notifications do not trigger a sound signal on the phone. Such a signal is reserved for real alarms, recalls the OFPP.

Instructions in the event of a real alarm

These tests are technical and not real, they therefore require any reaction. However, in the event of a real alarm, motorists must stop the ventilation and go up the windows of their vehicles. People on the street must take shelter in the nearest building, inform the neighbors and avoid telephone so as not to overload the network.

It is also essential to listen to the radio and follow the authorities’ instructions. With the gradual disappearance of the FM, the population can now follow these instructions via DAB+digital radio, on media websites, or on the Alertswiss application.

Cell diffusion development

To improve the speed and efficiency of alerts, the Federal Population Protection Office (OFPP) also develops a new technology called cellular dissemination. The Federal Council validated this strategy at the end of last year, and it must now be examined by Parliament.

>> Read on this subject: The Confederation presents its strategy to alert the population

“This method would send short text messages to all mobile phones present in a specific area concerned by a danger. Thus, in the event of danger, many people could be immediately informed,” explains the communication co-chief Of the OFPP Wednesday in the morning.

The OFPP recommends that the population take advantage of the sirens test to check their personal preparation, in particular by installing the Alertswiss application on all its mobile devices, preparing its personal or family emergency plan, as well as its domestic provisions. Finally, citizens living within a radius of 50 km around nuclear power plants are invited to check if they still have their iodine tablets.

Radio subject: Margaux Reguin

Web adaptation: Agencies/Miroslav Mares

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