The sirens will sound in Switzerland this Wednesday
The sirens will be heard throughout Switzerland.Image: Keystone/shutterstock
Switzerland is about to test its alarm systems. This is how it will happen.
The sirens will be tested this Wednesday throughout Switzerland. At 1:30 p.m., nearly 5,000 sirens will sound. Alertswiss communication channels will also be checked.
The sirens test will take place between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., indicates the Federal Office for Population Protection (OFPP). The population should not take any measure, he specifies.
The clip of the Confederation on this subject
Video: Extern / Rest
The general alarm signal, a continuous oscillating sound, will be broadcast for one minute. If necessary, the test may be repeated until 2:00 p.m.
Avoid confusion with a real alarm
The water alarm will be tested between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the latest in risk areas located downstream of the dams. It consists of twelve serious sounds of 20 seconds each, separated by intervals of 10 seconds.
In all cantons, a notification will also be triggered via the Alertswiss application. It is both a question of verifying the system’s ability to send a very large number of push notifications and to use them to avoid the confusion of the sirens test with a real alarm.
The “information” level notifications do not trigger a sound signal on the phone. Such a signal is reserved for real alarms, recalls the OFPP.
The OFPP recommends that the population take advantage of the sirens test to check their personal preparation, in particular by installing the Alertswiss application on all its mobile devices, preparing its personal or family emergency plan, as well as its domestic provisions.
Finally, citizens living within a radius of 50 km around nuclear power plants are invited to check if they still have their iodine tablets. (JZS/ATS)
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