Switzerland: The sirens will sound Wednesday between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

If you hear a continuous oscillating sound this Wednesday afternoon, do not panic, that’s normal. The annual sirens test takes place throughout Switzerland, as every year, during the first Wednesday in February. The general alarm signal will be broadcast for one minute from 1:30 p.m. As for the water alarm, it will be tested between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Twelve severe sounds of 20 seconds each, separated by intervals of 10 seconds, will be broadcast in the risk areas, downstream of the dams.
The Federal Office for Population Protection (OFPP) recommends citizens to take advantage of the sirens test to check its personal preparation, in particular by installing the Alertswiss application on their mobile phone. It is through this that the important information will be communicated in the event of an event.
On Wednesday, an information notification will be sent to Alertswiss to check the system’s ability to send a very large number of push. Note that these “information” level notifications do not trigger a sound signal on the phone, unlike real alarms.
The OFPP also advises the population to check the personal or family emergency plan. The online domestic provisions can help. In addition, for people who live within a radius of 50 km around nuclear power plants, it is necessary to check whether they still have iodine tablets, distributed by the authorities for the last time in the fall of 2023. If Loss, they can address by email to the secretariat of the supply of potassium iodide, at [email protected].