Neuchâtel foresters better helped to counter the Bostryche

Canton of NeuchâtelA better subsidy to counter the ravages of the Bostryche
More and more trees are attacked by the beetle. The authorities will give more money to owners during health interventions.
The conifers are today particularly impacted in the Neuchâtel forest.
PixabayContaining the propagation of diseases and harvesting the tree at risk before it loses its constructive values is what the owners and forest professionals of the canton of Neuchâtel must do. And they will now receive more money to do so. After particularly hot and dry summers, the trees of the Neuchâtel forest affected by the Bostryche are indeed in sharp increase. Many have not held, and the canton fears that other species will be affected in the coming months.
Support of 75% of the deficit
The small beetle lays its eggs under the bark of spruces, the larvae develop, hindering the flow of the sap towards roots, and the tree dies shortly. The conifers are today particularly impacted. As the harvesting work is demanding and cannot always be entirely covered by the sale of woods, the canton decided, as part of the 2025 budget, to increase the allocated grant rate.
From now on, private or public owners who note that forestry functions are endangered may benefit, like other cantons, from the care of 75% of the deficit suffered during health interventions, against 50% until there. “Same victims of Bostryche, the woods harvested early enough, offer the same technical characteristics as healthy woods. They can be valued as part of construction projects, ”shares the canton.