35 wolves killed last year

Frederic Favre, (on the left, the head of the security of security, institutions and sport) and Nicolas Bourquin (the head of the hunting, fishing and fauna service) have taken stock of the presence of the wolf In Valais, in 2024.
The Valais hunting, fishing and fauna service took stock of the presence of the wolf on cantonal territory in 2024. Last year, 341 pension animals were killed during 112 attacks. Thirty-five wolves were drawn.
Two hundred and sixties sheep and other sheep lost their lives in Haut-Valais for 79 attacks. The victims in Romand Valais mount at 76 in 33 different episodes.
In accordance with the Federal Office of the Environment (OFEF), the State of Valais has carried out a proactive regulation of wolves from five packs. A period which spread from September 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025 which made it possible to remove 34 wolves. You have to add an animal killed outside the period in Gletsch.
The amount of compensation granted by the State of Valais in the form of compensation to the owners of the animal animals killed were 227,000 francs, against 210,000 francs for the year 2023.