A French sentenced in Switzerland

A French sentenced in Switzerland

He violates the family's cat: a father condemned by Swiss justice.

The acts committed on the cat are “clearly from animal abuse”, said justice (illustration).Image: Shutterstock

The court of Uter (ZH) sentenced a man to six months suspended prison sentence for animal cruelty and dissemination of sexual videos involving his cat.

The district court of Uter (ZH) sentenced a man to a six -month suspended prison sentence on Tuesday for multiple acts of cruelty to animals and detention of pornographic equipment.

“A cat also has dignity and a right to sexual self -determination,” said the judge when the verdict pronounced. According to him, the accused flouted these principles by his actions.

What happened?

The French national had used milk several times to encourage the animal to licked it in the intimate resion. He then broadcast the videos on a specialized platform. He explained that he had discovered these sites “by simple boredom” during the Pandemic of Covid-19, before being trained more and more in this spiral. Other users would then have encouraged him to publish content himself.

“I regret it, it was stupid,” he said in tears, going so far as to apologize to his cat. He said he did not feel any particular attraction towards animals and no longer consult this type of content today. The court followed the request of his lawyer by pronouncing a six -month suspended prison sentence. The prosecution had claimed a slightly more severe sanction of seven months.

The acts committed with the cat are “clearly from animal abuse”, recognized the defendant’s lawyer. However, he considered that they were not extremely serious, which was to be taken into account in fixing the sentence.

What is the punishment?

In addition to the sentence of six months suspended, the district court of Uter inflicted on the accused a fine of 2000 Swiss francs and a life ban from carrying out any activity with minors. This last measure was decided after the discovery, in its possession, of child pornographic files.

If he had not produced these images himself, he had nevertheless shared them on online platforms. During his interrogation, the accused revealed that he had been the victim of sexual abuse during his childhood.

Why was he not expelled?

However, the court has renounced to pronounce the expulsion of Swiss territory for a period of five years, as the Public Prosecutor had requested. Being a home for a home and living in Switzerland with his wife and children, he was considered a case of rigor. In addition, it would not represent a danger to society.

Sexual acts involving animals are a social taboo. According to the “Foundation for Animal Law”, which analyzes offenses against the latter, pets and breeding animals are the main victims of this type of abuse. However, the extent of the phenomenon remains difficult to estimate, due to the lack of reliable data.

In Switzerland, sexual acts with animals are considered to be a violation of their dignity and therefore as an act of mistreatment, regardless of the direct impact on the animal. Thus, even non -violent sexual acts – like those committed in this case – are liable to criminal sanctions.

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