The United States will not be worried by complaints at the WTO

The United States will not be worried by complaints at the WTO


China has announced that it has filed a complaint to the WTO in Geneva against the United States due to new customs tariffs of 10% against it. But as Washington returned the dysfunctional institution court, Donald Trump does not have to worry.

(Keystone-ATS) The Chinese complaint is not a first. Beijing, like Switzerland and two other countries, had already asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2018 to decide the legitimacy of steel and aluminum prices during the first mandate of the American president.

The goods concerned for Switzerland totaled an export value of several tens of millions of francs per year. The Federal Council had decided not to apply retaliation measures.

At the OMC, all the complainants had won the case before the arbitration court. But this decision cannot be applied, since the United States has appealed.

However, President Trump himself made any recourse ineffective by blocking the renewal of judges. His successor Joe Biden had remained on this line.

This situation remains that in force currently, while the members of the WTO have still failed to advance on a reform of the institution. If China, and perhaps after her Canada and other states in the event of a complaint on their side, came to be successful, the United States would appeal without it being able to be discussed. They would not be exposed to judgments which would allow reprisals against this country.

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