Economiesuisse the bilateral agreements found with the EU – RTS.CH

Economiesuisse the bilateral agreements found with the EU – RTS.CH

Economiesuisse pulled the result of negotiations with the European Union on Tuesday. The new package of bilateral agreements will make it possible to better cooperate with Brussels and to become stronger, estimates the ridge of large Swiss companies.

Based on the information known to date, the Economy environments have a positive assessment of the package of agreements negotiated with the EU, which makes it possible to sustainably consolidate access to the European market, said on Tuesday during a Press conference The president of Economiesuisse Christoph Mäder.

Cooperation programs in specific fields, such as research and development, through the Horizon Europe program, are extremely positive in the eyes of economiesuisse. The umbrella also salutes the fact that a safeguard clause could have been materialized in the agreement on the free movement of people.

The concrete proposals for inner levels will now be decisive for the final evaluation of these bilateral agreements. In any case, the flexibility of the labor market will not be negotiable, says Economiesuisse.

>> Explanations in 12:45 pm Tuesday:

Economiesuisse wants to cooperate with Europe. The explanations of Thierry Clémence

Economiesuisse wants to cooperate with Europe. The explanations of Thierry Clémence / 12:45 pm 1 min. / Today at 12:45

Strengthen the attractiveness of Switzerland

Faced with the signals sent by US President Donald Trump, the umployed of the economy urges Switzerland to strengthen its attractiveness. “We must overcome blockages and particular interests. Guaranteeing prosperity and security requires today a spirit of collective responsibility and courageous decisions,” said Christoph Mäder.

“More competitiveness, more security, more cooperation. This must be the course for Europe and Switzerland in the coming years,” he summarizes.

The country’s budget must also be based on long -term solid bases, the only way to create a room for maneuver allowing to invest in security and defense. As such, economic circles support the relief program presented by the Federal Council, which must be maintained as is. All areas must make their contribution.

International coordination

On the banking level, Switzerland needs a strong UBS, considers economiesu. Imposing requirements on the big bank preventing him from asserting himself in the face of international competition would be a mistake. “But that does not mean that we should not optimize or improve existing banking regulations,” notes Christoph Mäder.

>> Read also: UBS rises in the last quarter of 2024, a first since the acquisition of Credit Suisse

And the president of economiesuisse to point for example certain problems noted by the report of the parliamentary commission of inquiry on Credit Suisse, namely insufficient management, partial use of monitoring instruments available to Finma and defaulting cooperation between the authorities. In all cases, an international coordinated approach is essential in regulation.

The ridge has finally pronounced against the initiative for environmental responsibility launched by young Green-Es, on which the people are called upon to vote next Sunday. Acceptance would lead to an increase in prices, consumption prohibitions and a more restrictive regulatory framework.


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