Valais: 50% of too stressed teachers, a survey reveals

ValaisOne teacher out of two too stressed: when reality sticks to the cliché
A large survey on the satisfaction of state staff evokes overload of work and a serious fed up of the received ideas that stick to the skin.
Switzerland is experiencing a shortage of teachers.
Adrian Moser/TamediaCan do better, but it’s not going so bad. Last year, the canton of Valais took the pulse of well-being at the work of all its staff, and the results revealed on Monday could be the subject of a philosophy course on the glass half empty or half full . In the teaching staff, 81% of respondents say they are “motivated” by their profession and 82% are “satisfied” to exercise it. At the same time, one in two teachers judges his state of stress “high at very high”, and one in three believes that his health could suffer from it. As for the workload, it is deemed “high or very high” by 85% of them.
Struggling to “disconnect”
The survey was carried out anonymously, and 60% of all the teaching staff responded. “Given the state of stress observed, efforts will have to be intensified in health prevention,” said Christophe Darbellay, head of the Department of Economy and Training, recalling that 30 million francs have already been invested after A previous survey in 2019.
But the Valaisans are doing well. In another survey conducted at the French -speaking level by the teacher union in 2024, the overall satisfaction note was not even 4 out of 6. “The teachers have a lot of difficulty in disconnecting and therefore resting between their hours of work, estimated his vice-president Olivier Solioz. We must simplify administrative tasks. ”
Finally, the profession says it suffers from clichés, “like the fact that teachers are constantly on vacation and that they always complain,” he says. Which makes the exercise of the satisfaction survey delicate to do without giving the impression … that the snake bites its tail.
Same grievances in the administration
The rest of the staff of the State of Valais have been surveyed at the same time as the teaching staff. Overall, there are the same problems there. The state of stress is deemed “strong or very strong” by 42% of the 69% of respondents. The workload is “very important” for 78% of employees, but 88% “appreciate the diversity of their job” and 80% say they are motivated.