Senegal-Agriculture-Perspective / The CNCR is actively preparing the first higher agro-sylvo-pastoral orientation council-Senegalese press agency

DAKAR, 4 FEV (APS)- The National Rural Consultation Council (CNCR) actively prepares the first Higher Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Orientation (CSOASP) With the Head of State, said its chairman of board of directors, Nadjirou Sall
We are here in the day of reflection and information to prepare elements of language in perspective of the meeting that we will have with the President of the Republic between the end of February and early March, within the framework of the Superior Council of ‘Orientation of the Agro Sylvopastoral Law, “said CNCR PCA, Nadjirou Dall.
Speaking during a press briefing, he argued that “Professional Organizations in Senegal and Senegalese civil society are finding a strong consensus that they will give the supervision, in this case to the Minister of l‘Agriculture, food sovereignty and breadwood ”.
It is for the first time that a President of the Republic has had the agro Sylvopastoral Higher Orientation Board, he praised, noting that this meeting will also make it possible to go in depth on the revision of the law D ‘Agro Sylvopastoral Orientation (LOASP) to deal with new challenges.
»Faced with major challenges such as land, financing, climate change, soil degradation and global market instability, it is imperative to rethink rural development strategies ” said Sall.
According to him, these meetings will make it possible to “plead for favorable conditions, to go towards food sovereignty”, among which, “the effectiveness of the decrees for applying the status of the family exploitation and the operator”.
“We want our businesses to be recognized, arriving at decrees for applying the status of family exploitation and the operator ” insisted Mr. Sall, continuing that the CNCR’s will is to” change paradigm in the paradigm Senegal to show that the actor of the rural world has rights and duties ”.