The Same Registered Large

The Same Registered Large

The association of interns and former interns of the Hospitals of Senegal (Ajaihs) announced that it has decided to join the strike of the Syndicate of Autonomous Doctors of Senegal (SAMES), by announcing having decreed 48 hours of port of red brassards on the 14 and Next 17, to protest against non-management, they say, their claims.

“The fight being inseparable from that of the autonomous union of doctors, pharmacists and dental surgeons of Senegal (SAMES)”, the association of interns and former interns of the Hospitals of Senegal L’Aiahs “will join the general strike on 18 and February 19, 2025, ”she wrote in a press release.

“Beyond this action, the association decrees 48 hours of wearing red brassards on Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17,” she added in a press release.

The association of interns and former interns of the Hospitals of Senegal says it notes “the lack of care of its claims by the guardianship”, “three months” after the meeting of its office with the Minister of Health and the Social action.

She “counts firmly and determined to play her score and hopes to inspire all the components of the health system to the sacred union around the resolution [de] Common problems which seem paradoxically to be the least priority in the exercise of the rupture as announced and in the construction of a sovereign, fair and prosperous Senegal ”.

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