Morocco, guest of honor at the next International Agriculture Show in France

Morocco, guest of honor at the next International Agriculture Show in France

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During a press conference presenting this high mass of French agriculture, held this Tuesday, February 4, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Annie Genevardstressed that for “the first time in its history, the show highlights foreign agriculture, that of a partner and a friend of France”.

“In addition to the major common challenges on which each of our agriculture learns from the other, in terms of adaptation to climate change in particular, this invitation gives all its meaning to the international dimension of the show,” explained the French Minister.

“Our farmers have a lot to learn from each other. French agriculture, also faced with climatic hazards, can usefully enrich Morocco’s experience, especially in terms of quantitative water management,” said Annie Genevard.

For his part, the president of the SIA, Jérôme Despeyunderlined that the organizers of the show made this year “a choice of heart and the future” by inviting Morocco as a country of honor.

“We have been thinking about this choice for five years and we are proud today to have materialized it,” he said, noting that “Morocco is a big agricultural country, and we have everything to exchange together on many complementarities “.

For its part, the director general of the Agricultural Development Agency (ADA), The Mahdi Arifisaid that the choice of Morocco as a country of honor reflects friendship and dense cooperation, as well as the importance of agricultural and forestry partnerships which bind the two countries.

Morocco will be present at this large fair through a central pavilion of 476 m², where the products labeled from the Moroccan terroir will be exposed, from the work of cooperatives with secular know-how, and agricultural products which reflect the wealth and diversity of This sector.

The Moroccan official also said that the public will have the opportunity to rediscover other aspects of Moroccan authenticity and specificity through cultural and artistic animations, tastings of Moroccan products and dishes.

The 61st edition of the International Agriculture Show will welcome more than 600,000 visitors. Some 4,000 animals will be exhibited there, and 1,000 exhibitors will be present on an area of ​​16 hectares where 9 pavilions will be installed.

(With map)

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February 4, 2025 at 2:21 p.m.

Modified February 4, 2025 at 3:21 p.m.

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