Morocco attacks Indians

Morocco attacks Indians

Morocco wants to intensify its economic and tourist relations with India. In this context, discussions are underway with Moroccan and Indian companies for the establishment of a direct airline between the two countries, said Mohamed Maliki, Morocco ambassador to India.

Morocco is one of the destinations popular with Indian tourists. In 2024, more than 40,000 Indians visited the kingdom, an increase of 43 % compared to the previous year and 150 % compared to 2019. This increase is notably due to the advent of the electronic visa. “Morocco is attracting more and more Indian tourists and the e-visa was a decisive turning point,” confirmed Maliki on the sidelines of the OTM show in Mumbai.

To read: Defense industry: Morocco unrolls the red carpet in India

In addition to tourism, Morocco also wants to strengthen its trade relations with India. Rabat also plans to diversify its products, especially fruits, exported to India. Between 2023 and 2024, trade between the two countries reached $ 2.4 billion. The kingdom is one of the main suppliers of phosphate fertilizers in India and is working to strengthen its military cooperation with this country.

Last September, Tata Advanced Systems announced the creation in Morocco of a manufacturing plant for armored vehicles. Also, several Chinese companies specializing in the production of batteries for electric vehicles set their sights on Morocco. “The strengthening of our links with China and India is not done at the expense of another partner. We have several allies, and India remains a priority, ”said Maliki.

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