Drug dependencies: Aid available in Belgium

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If you know someone in difficulty, you absolutely have to know the solutions available to combat drug dependence in Belgium. Several devices are put in place to support the people concerned, both medical, psychologically and financial. What are these aids? How to have access to it? My financial aid gives you all the necessary information.
Aid types available
Thus, various aids exist to help people with a Drug addiction. So these aids can be classified into several different categories. Here are some:
- Medical and psychological aid :
- Specialized care centers
- Medical consultations
- Hospitalizations in detoxification center
- Psychological monitoring programs
- Individual and collective support
- Financial aid :
- Mutual care
- Specific social assistance
- Allowances for patients who have unable to work
- Financial support for long -term treatments
- Social assistance and reintegration :
- Professional reintegration programs
- Support of CPAS (public social action centers)
- Emergency housing
- Support in job search
- Professional training
Dependence care is often taken care of by compulsory health insurance.
The steps to follow to obtain help
So, to access these aids, it is important to follow certain important steps:
- Contact an information center :
- Drug Info Service: Free telephone line
- Local drug aid center
- Associations specializing in supporting dependents
- Carry out a medical assessment :
- Consultation with a doctor
- Orientation to a detoxification center
- Medical tests to adapt the treatment
- Request financial assistance :
- Submission of file to the CPAS
- Refund request via the mutual
- Administrative follow -up with a social worker
The amounts and conditions of care
Thus, financial aid vary according to the situation of each person. Here are the main care:
- Mutual : reimbursement up to 75 % of care costs;
- CPAS : financial assistance according to the applicant’s resources;
- Specialized care funds : 100 % care for emergency situations;
- Regions interventions : Additional aid for ambulatory care.
Please note, the amounts and conditions may vary depending on the region and the personal situation.
Care centers in Belgium
In addition, there are several specialized centers distributed throughout the country. Some offer free or at reduced price depending on income. Among them:
- Bruxelles : Transit center, Lama project;
- Wallonia : Centre Alfa, Centre Trempoline ;
- Flanders : Free clinical, kiem;
- National centers : Belgian care platform for dependence.
Support for families
In addition, families of dependent people can also get help. Indeed, drug dependence can also be destructive for theentourage. Different devices are accessible to inform and support them:
- Speech groups;
- Psychological help;
- Social support;
- Legal advice for managing the situation;
- Tutoring for children.
Aid for professional reintegration
So, once the care process has started, devices of reintegration are set up to promote return to employment:
- Qualifying training;
- Support for employment;
- Financial aid for employers;
- Programs to adapt to market skills;
- Aid for business creation for former dependents.
In some cases, a former dependent can take advantage of a professional adaptation contract funded by the region.
Additional information relating to drug dependence
Learn more
For more information, you can consult the website of SPF Health public or contact your local CPAS.
THE emergency services are always available if necessary. On the other hand, they are only pure to treat emergencies. Indeed, these are the other services and aids that must be contacted to solve the problem.
Then, in the event of a critical situation, emergency services are available:
- The 112 for immediate care;
- Day care hospitals;
- The listening lines available 24/7;
- Temporary reception devices.