No station at Charleroi airport: the Arizona government abandons the project

No station at Charleroi airport: the Arizona government abandons the project

The new Arizona government abandons the idea of ​​a station at Charleroi airport. Jean-Luc Crucke, the new minister in charge of mobility, announced it at the time of the passage of power with his predecessor.

In a new updated version (the last?) Of the government agreement, the idea of ​​a connection of Charleroi airport (BSCA) to the rail network has disappeared.

The appearance of this element in the negotiations had surprised. The agreement which had then leaked in the press contained this sentence: “For Charleroi airport, we provide access to the rail network”. An element that has obviously disappeared again. Several press titles highlight this Wednesday morning, and the last available version of the government agreement confirms this.

An impairment not surprising, because it has already been established in the past that prolonging a railway line to Brussels South Charleroi Airport would be a financial chasm that is difficult to justify.

Jean-Luc Crucke, all costs Minister of Mobility, had still underlined him in 2021 when he was Walloon Minister in charge of airports. A study carried out by the Stratec office then confirmed it, believing that the construction of a station was not justified.

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