Reduction of registration fees encourages purchase

Reduction of registration fees encourages purchase

According to the latest observatory “Belgians and real estate” led by CBC Banque & Insurance, ownership of ownership remains a priority for many citizens, despite financial obstacles. The survey carried out by Ipsos reveals that 43 % of Belgians still consider the purchase of accommodation as an essential investment, an increase in 2023.

The high price of real estate in Belgium remains the main obstacle to purchase, followed by income deemed insufficient and financial constraints. However, Almost half of Belgians (47 %, compared to 38 % in 2023) believe that the reduction of registration fees in Wallonia and Flanders will facilitate their access to property. A third of future owners receive this reform, which brings these rights from 12.5 % to 3 % in Wallonia and from 3 % to 2 % in Flanders for the purchase of a clean and unique house, positively. However, it arouses more reserves in Wallonia (16 % of negative opinions against 12 % at the national level).

Reduction of registration fees encourages purchase

Pour Caroline Lejeune, president of Federiathe federation of French -speaking real estate agents in Belgium, this measure constitutes ” a positive signal to the market. It promotes mobility of housing and encouraged real estate transactions ”.

This reform of registration fees in Wallonia, which entered into force on January 1, 2025, also led a spectacular increase in real estate transactions, Putting the notaries under pressure, reports our colleagues from the live. According to the data they have analyzed from the Royal Belgian notarial Federation (Fednot), the number of sales acts jumped 42.47 % compared to January 2024, with peaks in Walloon Brabant (+67.62 %) and in Namur (+60.23 %). This reform, which reduces registration fees from 12.5 % to 3 %, mainly benefits buyers of more expensive goods.

Spectacular increase in real estate transactions in January

The anticipation effect also played, with a Increase in acts in December 2024some buyers who wanted to take advantage of the old tax regime, more favorable for cheaper goods. In parallel, the drop in mortgage rates and the decline in inflation also contributed to the recovery of the market.

In Flanderswhere rights increased from 3 % to 2 %, an increase of 50.69 % of the acts was observed, while Brussels displays a more modest increase (+7.92 %). However, new real estate remains behind, in particular due to a VAT rate set at 21 %.

Energy performance, a key criterion

The study also highlights the growing importance of Building energy performance (We) In the choice of real estate: three quarters of potential buyers attach great importance to it. However, Two out of three Belgians believe that they are not sufficiently informed about current and future energy regulationsa worrying observation while climatic objectives require major renovations by 2050.

« The challenge is considerableunderlines Cédric Matte, Director General of the Retail Market at CBC Banque. More than 20 % of residential buildings in Wallonia have a PEB Gwhile housing will have to reach an average of a PEB A or B label by 2050. Aids exist, but their complexity still discourages many owners. »»

Despite these uncertainties, Near one in two Belgian plans to make an energy audit From its housing in the short or medium term, a sign of a gradual awareness of the challenges of sustainability in real estate.

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