“Antinuclearies were everywhere”: here is how the Minister of Energy wants to prolong nuclear in Belgium

The federal government wishes to “reverse the tendency to anti -citizenism” in Belgium and bet on atomic energy in the coming years, said the Minister of Energy Mathieu Bihet in the beautiful RTL morning.
Guest of Martin Buxant in the beautiful RTL morning this Wednesday, the Minister of Energy Mathieu Bihet confirmed that the Arizona government wishes both to extend existing nuclear reactors, but also invest in new reactors. He thus wants to reverse the tendency to “anti -nuclearism” in Belgium and bet on atomic energy in the coming years.
“I am for an energy mix which includes nuclear, which will undoubtedly mark the rupture with what has happened in recent years. We will have a paradigm shift. We had a primary antinuclearism everywhere. I still have At the head an interview with Paul Magnette who said nuclear, it is finished ‘, and we have seen that it was not necessarily the case. . With objectives: less carbon, affordable energy and guaranteed supply. “
To “change paradigm”, the government will have to modify the 2003 law on the release of nuclear. Mathieu Bihet proposes to delete the exit calendar, as well as the article relating to the prohibition to produce energy based on atoms.
Concretely, the Arizona government plans to operate the Doel 4 and Tihange reactors 3 more years more. The government’s ambition is to extend 4 existing gigawatts and to add 4 GW of new reactors. “The extension of Doel 4 and Tihange 3 is for when? The landing of the agreement is scheduled for the end of the month. We have an agreement with Engie for the extension of two reactors for ten years. It is agreed .
“The construction of a new reactor? There is a desire as a worker on new big reactors to have more production capacities. We will also try to have small reactors “, affix Mathieu falls.
The increase in energy consumption also increases “In an undeniable way” in Belgium because we want “Electrify the behavior of people, households and businesses”indicates Mathieu Bihet. “In companies, they were asked to switch their consumption of fossil fuels towards electricity. This is the problem because we realized that there was an inadequacy between the policy where we wanted to leave the energies fossils, we wanted more electricity, but we deprived ourselves of electricity production capacity.