Bart de Wever, a detractor from Belgium at the head of the Belgians

Bart de Wever, a detractor from Belgium at the head of the Belgians

Thirty years after his first steps in politics, Bart de Wever, head of the neoflamande alliance (N-VA), arrived at destination: he is Prime Minister of Belgium. Monday, February 3, he was sworn in before the king, Philippe, thus becoming the first Flemish nationalist to occupy this post – irony of fate for a separatist who, all his life, called to dismantle Belgium and to liberate Flanders of ” Wallonia pierced baskets.

The path to 16, rue de la law [bureau du Premier ministre et siège du gouvernement fédéral à Bruxelles] was long and difficult. De Wever himself recognized during the speech he pronounced after his party arrived, against all expectations, at the top of the legislative elections in June 2024. “In Astra for Atedra”, he launched triumphant to the members of the N-VA in delirium, “By taking the most arduous ways, we reached the stars” !

Eighteen visits to the king

Words that seem prophetic today. The fact is that the last step in Brussels seemed to never have to end. It took two hundred and thirty-six days to De Wever to forge a coalition of five parties-only twice in its history, Belgium took more time to form a government. D

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de Volkskrant (Amsterdam)

Born in 1919, as the weekly of the Catholic Labor Movement, “Le Journal du Peuple” was secularized in 1965. The newspaper is today the favorite reading of the progressives of Amsterdam, and the third daily life, after De Telegraaf et Algemeen Dagblad. The title belongs to the Editions of Persgroep, a Belgian press group which holds most of the Flemish and Dutch newspapers.

Many personalities from Dutch literature have held chronicles in de Volkskrantincluding the writer Godfried Bomans, the novelist Kader Abdolah and the poet Remco Campert.

Launched in May 1996 on an experimental basis, the site later took a certain relief to achieve its current form, with part of the content reserved for subscribers.

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