Verlinden annelies, lawyer who goes from inside to justice: strong and controversial measures to fight against prison overcrowding

Verlinden annelies, lawyer who goes from inside to justice: strong and controversial measures to fight against prison overcrowding

It is not a secret for anyone: Belgian justice goes into tatters. In an attempt to straighten it, the government of Wever relies on Annelies Verlinden, lawyer by profession, which goes from the inside to justice. The priorities are numerous, starting by finding structural measures to combat prison overcrowding that has reached a record level.

“Currently, almost 40 % of detainees are in preventive detention. To reduce this number, we ensure that both the prosecution and the investigating judges and the federal judicial police are reinforced so that surveys and procedures in progress can be carried out and closed as quickly as possible“, Indicates the majority agreement which evokes the construction of” modular “prisons, include kinds of prefabricated, to increase the number of places available.

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