How much will Bart de Wever touch as Prime Minister? Another politician is ahead of the wage level

The exercise is all the more delicate since it will be necessary to wait for the adoption of the new budget to see more clearly. But if we take into account the old forecasts, we can compare with ex-Prime Minister Alexander de Croo. Next to the free transport service and 24:24 protection, Alexander de Croo received 265,000 euros gross “in salary and representation costs” last year. Or an increase of 5000 euros compared to 2023. Herman Matthew, professor of public finance at VUB, tells HLN that “if we take this indexing into account, we can assume a gross annual salary of 270,000 euros for the first Minister of Wever “. This is equivalent to 22,500 euros gross per month.
By imagining that it is still necessary to withdraw the professional tax and social security contributions, the net salary per month of Bart de Wever is now estimated at around 11,000 euros (against 6,600 to 7,700 euros net when he was still bourgmestre of Antwerp).
We had to pinch yourself to be sure not to dream when Bart de Wever pronounced these two words against the king
Hln specifies that the vice-prime ministers Jan Jambon (N-VA), Vincent Van Peteghem (CD&V), Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit), David Clarinval (MR) and Maxime Prévot (Les Hurgés), in view of their high responsibilities and materials that they will have to manage, will receive a more or less identical salary for the Prime Minister.
What about other ministers? Also according to Professor Herman Matthijs, their salary should run this year around “266,000 euros, or 4,000 euros less than the Prime Minister”. It is a little better than their ministers at the previous legislature. It should be noted that the current executive eliminated the posts of secretary of state, which saves money. It will also be noted that ministers will not keep all the money for them. Indeed, there is in us the principle of the remuneration of parties. This means that personalities agree to donate part of their earnings in the party’s funds they defend.
A bart de Wever with Thatchériens accents defends “inevitable choices to ensure the prosperity and well-being of all our citizens”
Wever is not best paid
Note that this may surprise but the Prime Minister will not be the best paid politician in the kingdom. Indeed, it will be a certain Peter de Roover (N-VA). The new president of the Chamber, as the country’s first citizen, will earn a more symbolic euro than the Prime Minister. In fact, it will be “several hundred more gross more on an annual basis”, specifies still Herman Matthijs.