“We still have an idea of what we have”: what is the estimate of the real estate heritage of the state?

Belgium does not have a complete cadastre of its public buildings, deplores Minister Vanessa Matz. A situation deemed worrying while the state’s real estate assets exceeds 7.2 million m². Ecolo claims details on renovation investments.
This is the surprising declaration of the day. Guest of Martin Buxant’s 7:50 am, the new Minister of Action and Public Modernization, Vanessa Matz, was questioned about the buildings belonging to the State. “”Belgium has no cadastre of all the buildings that belong to the State. It seems to me to be the first thing I have to do“Said the one who is also in charge of the Building Régie.
However, she tries to reassure: “We still have an idea of what we have, but there is no final cadastre of these buildings.”
In summary, the Belgian state does not know exactly the extent of its real estate assets, or even its value. A situation that some do not hesitate to call scandal.
What does his predecessor answer, Matthieu Michel, to this absence of a cadastre? He did not follow up on our requests. As for the Régie des Bâtiments, she prefers to remain discreet before having been able to meet her new minister, to whom a detailed focus will be made.
A substantial heritage, but still blurred areas
What we know, on the other hand, is that the Belgian state has a substantial heritage: nearly 900 real estate complexes, representing a total area of 7.2 million m². A third of these goods is rented, while the remaining two thirds belong directly to the State.
This heritage includes major infrastructure such as the fiftieth, prisons, museums, as well as emblematic monuments such as the column of Congress.
Finally, the inventory of Belgian real estate heritage is already relatively precise. An inventory was carried out in February 2024, and the next one is expected very soon, during the month of February.
For their part, environmentalists want to know how the inventory of work will be determined, in particular. They also question the investments that the government intends to devote to the energy renovation of these buildings.
It is for this reason that Ecolo claims, once again this afternoon in the House, detailed budgetary tables. According to them, only a precise estimate of the funds invested will measure the real ambition of the government in the renovation of the real estate assets managed by the Régie.
Note that an energy audit was launched at the end of 2022 to assess the state of buildings and identify the priorities in terms of energy efficiency.
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