Wever’s government announces that he wants to abolish the Senate: what are the consequences of this decision?

The Council of Ministers and Bart de Wever’s general policy declaration will take place this Tuesday. A statement that mentions the main axes of the policy of the new government and among the major measures announced … the abolition of the Senate.
Arizona wants to reform the Belgian state, and among the measures announced by the new government, the abolition of the Senate has been put forward.
Let us try to understand the challenges and consequences of this decision, first recalling what the Senate is for.
In Belgium, at the federal level, you should know that the government is the executive body. The government executes the laws. And then, we have a parliament, the legislative body. This is where the laws write.
This parliament is made up of two institutions:
– The House of Representatives which has 150 deputies directly elected by the Belgian people. They are the ones who offer and vote the laws.
– The 2nd institution of the Parliament is the Senate, composed of 60 senators elected this time by the federated entities (therefore the parliaments of regions and communities). His role? Examine and control the laws passed by the House of Representatives. He can therefore sometimes ask for amendments to a text, or even refuse a new law. But the House of Representatives always has the last word.
Why want to delete the Senate?
Precisely, because its role is limited. Even if he refuses a law, he does not have the last word. For the detractors of the Senate, this institution is useless if it is not to delay bills which will in any case be adopted, if the House of Representatives wants it.
Second argument: eliminating the Senate would simplify the legislative process in Belgium. And then, third argument: the cost generated by this institution (management cost and wages of senators).
But some believe that the Senate has decrease in law proposals and allows us to take the time and that we analyze the texts thoroughly.
How could deletion take place?
To remove the Senate, a review of the Constitution is required. The House of Representatives and the Senate should therefore vote for this revision with a majority of 2/3 of the votes plus the king’s agreement (that is for the legal side). Then, we must dismiss all the senators and potentially find them a role within the State. A smaller new institution could also see the light of day so that the country’s federated entities are always officially represented.