Bart 1er’s government took its first steps in the chamber in a tense atmosphere

Budget tables
The PS complained of not having received the budget tables and only the majority agreement. The PTB joined the complaint, specifying that he had not received the right version of the agreement. Ditto for open vld and for groen. This sequence has been extended for 20 minutes at the end of which Bart de Wever will eventually respond, “We intend to distribute these budget tables after the declaration of general policy “. At the same time, the unions confirmed their desire to go to the general strike on February 13.
Just before the plenary session, the new government “testosterone” (Dixit the PS) posed on the stairs of the peristyle. This time, no missteps. The 15 ministers were all clearly visible, the four women included.
In his speech, Bart de Wever recalled the need to save because of the threat to see Belgium in the crosshairs of international markets. It will be, as he has repeatedly repeated, of “the most difficult budgetary sanitation exercise in our modern history “.
The new first communicated the hope of having a supported government on both sides of the linguistic border. It aspires to more security in the capital of our country and Europe and recalls that the challenges at the defense are as urgent as it is annoying.
Under tension, Bart de Wever has taken oath to the room: “A binding diet is sometimes the only option to continue living healthy”
He also specifies that the charges of current migration policy are, in his eyes, too heavy. This will involve the implementation of a harder measurement battery. “”To organize a more ordered and more human migration policy, it must be much strict “he said, leaving the opposition more than doubtful. On the Arizona program, there will be citizenship tests, it will take 5 years to benefit from the integration income, but there will above all be a big investment in closed centers.
No confederalism
In general, the Prime Minister’s speech was much smoother and devoid of anecdotes than when he was president of Party. This time, no references to the Roman Empire, nor an antique pompous formulas. No attacks against wokes or “Dogmas outdated “as can be read in the federal coalition agreement.
The only Latin formula used recalls that the N-VA has never been a fervent admirer of the bicameral monarchy system. “”Like a solid social security is essential to a healthy ‘res publica’, a strong citizenship is also “insisted the head of government.
The end of his speech was also very revealing. When slamming, we could see the divorce acted between Vooruit and the PS. If the first largely applauded Bart de Wever, the second clearly shunned the opportunity. As Thomas Dermine (PS), former secretary of state, said at the moment, the atmosphere between the two brothers is “not crazy “. Ditto for the Open VLD and the MR.
An hour after the plenary session, opposition deputies had still not received the budget tables …