“Political beast”, “admirer of César” and “defender of wokism”: Bart de Wever seen by the foreign press

“This historian, admirer of Caesar and ancient Rome, does not lack will to inflict a shock treatment on Belgium, of which he has constantly conspired the ungovernable nature and the ‘budgetary rot” Le Figaro who portrays man as a “slayer of wokism”.
Bart de Wever, president of a party whose statutes still officially advocate the establishment of an ‘independent republic of Flanders’, really gave up his project?
The takeover of the strong man of the N-VA, described as a “political beast” by the Dutch daily Het Paroool, questions in any case about the future of a unitary Belgium. “The creation of a Flemish Republic – and therefore the bursting of Belgium – is in the statutes of its party,” worries the Figaro while the world wonders if “Bart de Wever has […] Really renounced his project “of” the establishment of an ‘independent republic of Flanders’ “.
The suspended nationalist agenda?
On the issue, other media tempered, however, not deriving the bourgmestre of Antwerp in a great unifier. “Over the years, he has tempered his separatist claims. Recently, he said he could be satisfied with a ‘confederalism’ with uncertain contours,” said echoes.
The nationalist who “flirted with a separation of the kingdom making Flanders an independent state […] Today is more moderate “, according to the Luxembourg newspaper Le Quotidien.
The nationalist questions would be somewhere unanswered and “postponed for the benefit of the budgetary reform,” said the Luxemburger Wort. But not totally abandoned. “Ultimately, he will have to devote himself to it again so as not to lose part of his electorate for the benefit of Vlaams Belang”.
A Belgium and an increasingly right Europe
For the new obs, with “Bart de Wever Prime Minister, Belgium rocks in the hard right and the weight loss regime”.
His appointment also confirms the rightization of the European political spectrum and “expands the far -right family in the EU”, writes the Spanish daily El Pais. “The informal meeting of the twenty-seven, Monday, is a reflection of a Europe which is more and more right. With Belgium, Italy and the Czech Republic, the parties of the ECR group will have primary ministers at the head of the governments of three EU countries “.
Arizona government: several international officials, including Giorgia Meloni, congratulate Bart de Wever
From Wever to him, temperate, quoted by the Spanish daily: “I am really open to cooperation with everyone and certainly with the main neighboring countries, which are our friends and allies”. While clearly indicating that Arizona will be firmer on issues such as immigration, one of the subjects on which the EU is the most involved, once again confirming a clear right turn.