King Philippe New Year’s Speech: “Brussels should not become a blocking symbol”

King Philippe New Year’s Speech: “Brussels should not become a blocking symbol”

Eight months after the June 9 elections, the king said that “The country was looking forward to“The new federal team but has pointed out the Brussels region which still has no government.

Negotiations are today at a standstill. Brussels – Our beautiful capital, also capital of Europe – is a crossroads, not a dead end. It should not become a symbol of blocking. His elected officials have always found in the past convergence paths. I have no doubt that they will be keen to find them this time too-for the good of the inhabitants of the region and the image of our country.”


Strengthening Europe’s defense capacities is an absolute priority, and Belgium will have to do its share vis-à-vis its European allies and NATO

Our biggest asset? “Our small and medium -sized businesses”

For the king, continuous dialogue and compromise are essential, “A model where the strongest does not seek to impose itself at all costs at the expense of the other, where the search for the common good remains the primary rule of conduct and the basis of political life“.

Entrepreneurship, innovation and collaboration form the Belgian economic fabric: “Our small and medium -sized businesses are our biggest asset“, according to him. And to add:”Scientists, academicians, entrepreneurs and workers unite their expertise to advance our country. This must guide us so that Belgium is fully integrated into the industrial policy of the European Union.


The confidence that citizens have in their agents does not depend only on the policies they conduct, but also on the way in which they interact with each other

The search for compromises

King Philippe also said that we had to stay on our guard: “At a time when some great powers seek to unilaterally impose their vision, let’s remain vigilant. Our European continent, for a long time a haven of peace and prosperity, is today threatened, both economic and military. The defense of our territories and our way of life is a responsibility common to all the member states of the European Union, because security is the primary foundation of all freedom. Strengthening Europe’s defense capacities is an absolute priority, and Belgium will have to do its share vis-à-vis its European allies and NATO“.

Finally, the king addressed the new government of Wever. “”The Belgians expect from their elected officials that they define and implement effective policies, in a collaborative spirit and with determination (…) Defending his convictions is the very essence of politics. But in a pluralist system, based on the formation of coalitions, the search for compromise is just as much. The confidence that citizens have in their agents does not depend only on the policies they conduct, but also on the way in which they interact with each other.”

Bart de Wever’s speech: “This country will not be ostrich”

Bart de Wever held his first official speech on this occasion as Prime Minister. He insisted on the majority enjoyed by the new government “Arizona” both on the Dutch and French -speaking side.

I am happy to be able to appear before you with the brand new team of the federal government. A government which, for the first time in 16 years, has democratic support on both sides of the linguistic border. Healthy democratic support which should ultimately be the norm“He said.

The new head of government has listed the challenges facing the new team, starting with the budget deficit. “”International institutions calculate that in unchanged policy, our budget would become the worst from all Europe“, at-the to have you.”We cannot escape the responsibilities of tomorrow by avoiding them today. (…) This country will not be the ostrich, but will roll up the sleeves to guarantee the prosperity and the future of our fellow citizens“.

Prime Minister Bart De Wever and pictured giving a speech during a New Year's reception organized by the Royal Family, at the Royal Palace in Brussels on Tuesday 04 February 2025.
BELGA PHOTO ERIC LALMANDPrime Minister Bart De Wever and pictured giving a speech during a New Year's reception organized by the Royal Family, at the Royal Palace in Brussels on Tuesday 04 February 2025.
Bart de Wever in the throne room.

The entireness of the king’s speech to the country’s authorities, this February 4, 2025

Prime Minister,

Thank you for your warm words and good wishes.

I also want to thank the members of the outgoing executive for the work they have done in recent years.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The world around us knows deep turbulence. Our certainties and our principles are shaken: respect for national sovereignty and international law, equity in exchanges, multilateralism. So many pillars on which the post-war world has been built, and which are today questioned.

Faced with these upheavals, it is important to preserve what is the strength of Europe and our country: cooperation and unity in diversity. It is on these two major foundations that the European Union has been made, that it will be able to transform itself and that it will allow its Member States, including Belgium, to maintain their place in the world.

Almost eight months after the June 9 elections, the new federal team is finally ready to get to work. The country was waiting for this moment, after the implementation last year of four of the governments of our federated entities last year.

Unfortunately, this is not yet the case in the Brussels Region, where negotiations are today in a standstill. Brussels – Our beautiful capital, also capital of Europe – is a crossroads, not a dead end. It should not become a symbol of blocking. His elected officials have always found in the past convergence paths. I have no doubt that they will be keen to find them this time too-for the good of the inhabitants of the region and the image of our country.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Belgium has been built on continuous dialogue and compromise, a model where the strongest does not seek to impose itself at all costs at the expense of the other, where the search for the common good remains the primary rule and The basis of political life. The social virtues that are mutual respect, confidence, solidarity, the sense of service found our democratic model, and will preserve it. Let’s not forget.

They are also the basis of our prosperity.

The Belgian economic fabric is based on corporate spirit, innovation and collaboration. Our small and medium -sized enterprises are our biggest asset. Let’s help them transform the challenges that they face. Whether it is to exploit the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence, which will revolutionize our productivity and transform the labor market, but also our teaching and health care. Or whether it is to meet environmental and climatic challenges. In reality, they are all opportunities to innovate and take the initiative.

Investments in research and development today represent 3.5% of our GDP. They are the fruit of partnerships between public and private actors. Scientists, academicians, entrepreneurs and workers thus unite their expertise to advance our country. This must guide us so that Belgium is fully integrated into the industrial policy of the European Union. By adopting the European vision for a sustainable economy, resilient and digital, we will strengthen our competitiveness and create jobs for the future.

Antwerp and the Draghi report have traced the way for the reindustrialisation of Europe, emphasizing technologies, infrastructure and energy supply. Belgium can play a key role in several sectors in this regard. Take, for example, the circular economy. Our recycling achievements are recognized. This specialization positions us to develop new industries and innovate in sustainability.

Our prosperity also requires ambitious investments in projects that connect research and industry, such as the European space program, the Einstein telescope or innovative nuclear technologies.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Queen and I receive, through the requests addressed to us, many testimonies on the precariousness which prevails in particular in the big cities. Combating this precariousness requires a coordinated approach, in order to achieve better governance of our support organizations, clean neighborhoods, an effective fight against the different types of addictions, criminalities or vandalisms. And finally, to put an end to unacceptable assaults against public authority and rescue services.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

At a time when some great powers seek to unilaterally impose their vision, let’s remain vigilant. Our European continent, for a long time a haven of peace and prosperity, is today threatened, both economic and military. The defense of our territories and our way of life is a responsibility common to all the member states of the European Union, because security is the primary foundation of all freedom. Strengthening Europe’s defense capacities is an top priority, and Belgium will have to do its part vis-à-vis its European allies and NATO.

The Queen and I will continue to defend the image of Belgium and our interests in the world. In this year 2025, we will notably make state visits to Vietnam and Chile.

The Queen will remain an active defender of the objectives of sustainable development of the United Nations, which are at the heart of international cooperation and the global agenda for development. She will go to Costa Rica, Armenia and New York. Princess Astrid will conduct economic missions in the United States and India.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the start of the legislature, the Belgians expect their elected officials that they define and implement effective policies, in a collaborative spirit and with determination.

I do not underestimate the complexity of the problems that you are called to solve, nor the differences of opinion which may exist on the solutions that should be given. On the contrary: I take full measure every day.

Defending your convictions is the very essence of politics. But in a pluralist system, based on the formation of coalitions, the search for compromise is just as much. The confidence that citizens have in their agents does not only depend on the policies they carry out, but also on the way in which they interact with each other.

The differences of opinion nourish the democratic debate as long as they do not become sterile quarrels, where everyone is camping on their positions. They must also be able to lead to a synthesis, lead to tangible results, which meet the needs of the population.

I am convinced that the new government team will be attentive to it.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Confident in a future built on inclusion and participation, I wish you each and everyone, as well as in the name of the Queen and all my family, all the best for the new year.

King Philippe - Filip of Belgium and pictured giving a speech during a New Year's reception organized by the Royal Family, at the Royal Palace in Brussels on Tuesday 04 February 2025.
BELGA PHOTO ERIC LALMANDKing Philippe - Filip of Belgium and pictured giving a speech during a New Year's reception organized by the Royal Family, at the Royal Palace in Brussels on Tuesday 04 February 2025.
King Philippe in the throne room.

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